Emily Watson once said that the heart speaks the language of love that is best expressed by poems. Obviously there are thousands of beautiful poems in existence written by famous poets, but nothing comes close to a treasured piece of prose which relates to two people, with shared meaning.
In fact, some of the best literature is related to love. Try to find a love poem that expresses a special connection only you two have, a secret message that he or she will immediately recognize. There are, however, those who believe that feelings cannot be expressed through another's words, and it is such people who make even the best cynics eat their words.
Some of the most famous poems are about relationship troubles. The sender just needs to provide some information about the person the poem is being designed for. Just remember, while you can always send beautiful roses but it's always better to send beautiful roses and a love poem, the poem that you so lovingly compose and send will stay saved in her in secret box and in her heart forever.
A lovely memento to keep over the years is a poem. Now you can give a poem to a loved one.
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