Emily Watson once said that the heart speaks the language of love that is best expressed by poems. You don't have to spend all that money on gifts to make you spouse happy, a love poem is just as effective.
Some of the poems will make you and others around you cry because you can see them in each word or verse, this is also good as it helps with the grieving and healing process. Short and simple love poems work best for me. Identify the verse grouping you will use for your poem.
What is your poem going to be about, it should focus on one theme or topic. If required, have a friend or family member stand by your side for support. It's not always about the amount of money we spend on a loved one, but rather the thoughtfulness and time that goes into creating such a unique and personal gift.
For more tips and techniques on composing poetry, look around the net. Use these tips when you write a love poem and it will be a success.
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