Many authors and poets have been inspired by the emotional celebration of Father's Day to write and create poems about it. I think most people writing poetry or writing about poetry, has their own concept of what should be, what shouldn t be, what is, what is not: you know, our own little world of poetry.
Since a death is always associated with a painful loss, poems should be in an uplifting and inspirational tone. The vulnerable feel of poetry allows a writer to explore circumstances and emotions in a way that is difficult to do in most writing genres. Love poems need not be long, short, good, bad or ugly in order to work.
So now we got a poem, it is a story, and we are looking for its purpose within its given effect on our body and minds, which is called paraphrase. Romantic poems that bring out the best in people's hearts are still written even though they do not receive the same attention that they used to. Normally, the language of a love poem is simply flattering, and sometimes exaggerated, too.
Many families and friends choose to write their own poems or essays about the deceased to have read at memorial services or posted on online memorial sites. Millions have used poems to impress a lover.